Doing up some posters for our stalls tomorrow! here's one poster that I made last night that took me till late night! It cost me a pinch from sandra to keep me awake from econs lecture! super effective.... pinch me when I'm dreaming! These can were cut into half with the help of my dad, as those children art programmes always say, ask an adult to assist you! The foam stamps by making memories is so effective in making the poster look nice. And the chalk pastels are great too!

Here's teacher William telling us on how tomorrow's operation will be like and we have loads of great prizes to be won!! Cool! There will be games, drinks and cookies! wow!
Games.The game would be hitting the cans down using tennis balls and it is great fun! Everyone took a turn in knocking those cans down! Look at how smashed those cans are after being hit many times!

Then after 2 hours of wrapping stuffs and making more posters, we went off to Joyce house to make and pack cookies!!! They are super duper nice and they taste nice too. We ate a few while we pack them!

Her house was pretty much filled with our noises, mainly watching TV and playing PSP while waiting for the cookies to cool before packing them!
Let cross our fingers and hope nothing goes wrong! To view photos, click below.
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