I hope everyone will have a enjoyable christmas and not feel lonely at this joyful period of the year. You better not pout!
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Better not Pout.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
going out.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
3rd 4e1 BBQ
The whole thing starts from the preparation where we have to buy the food, marinate them, and checking off a large number of items for the event. It took almost a week to call and confirm the number of people and informing this and that. all these aren't done in a jiffy.
We were glad the expected number of people has arrived for the party! a few even came with the class t-shirt. of course, what's gathering to remember without photos? so we took loads of it.
My precious camera a.k.a paige has like 90% of it event with her in it.
Don suggested a series of photo shots with all the people and the camera start clicking away while we do different poses for each shot, super fun!
This is probably our very last BBQ together see that we have loads to do and some people wasn't making an effort to come. here's the rest of the photos!
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Jump-start my life.
A trip back again to singapore's renowned HSBC treetop walk! The view is still as spectacular and beautiful in all direction! it still takes my breath away to be on the bridge look out! we need to explore more parts of macrichite reservoir! But, of course loads and loads of shots were taken from my favourite camera!
Sunday, 23 November 2008
hannah's celebration.
Saturday, 15 November 2008
It been such a long time since i blogged, though there are loads of photos but these are the ones i'll put up first.
The 2 cards (above): I went home to find that my cousin was waiting for me in my room. Though tired, i managed to get the 2 cards done for her teacher's day card. I so tired, i feel asleep right after finishing, unware of her presence.
Construction NOISE: I so have to say f*** to these ash*** who are building within metres of housing estates and making so much noise early in the morning, starting at 8 and ending at 11p.m!!! You know how freaking idoitic that was?!? Unable to end your sleep later and start your sleep earlier?
It made my room so uncondusive for studying! I totally need to complaint! It totally unglify the land and worse, polluting it with so much constructing vehicles (cranes, trucks) I have an ugly view from my window now. The land was to be so nice, though I don't mind them making it ugly, but the noise is just to much to bear.
I totally need a rest, studying so hard. They say: "JC only 2 years what?!?!" but little do they know, how unbearable it was. And i thought 'hey, its over' But no, looking out my window, I HEAR that i'm still suffering. Pin It
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Graduation Day
And not forgetting to snap with people i will miss the most, specially thanks to those YJC friends which i have met here and there. Not seeing you people everyday feels really weird. Thanks for making my day in YJ better and fill the empty and boring times in the school.
As usual, YJ live up to its name in being consistently boring and predictable in every assembly or functions possible. The graduation ceremony was nowhere interesting or truly remembered for. Something which happens to this school a lot. One class after another going up to thank was okay but draggy, the lack of performances make it a whole lot worse. Not wanting to make it bad for my dear old college, but its what been in the minds of most students. I am happy to say not everyone in the college is like that, and mainly those are the one who brightens up people day. :)
I think i am defintely going to miss this class for the everyday lessons and lectures. We have been studying, eating, learning and crapping for close to 2 years now. Thanks for making this time a very memorable and more interesting part of my life. Let it shine on you, 219!
For more pictures of YJ daily lives.
For more pictures of the graduation.
Enjoy the video below!
219 photo video from terence on Vimeo..
For fast loading (but lower resolutions), you can go to seri's blog for the youtube version or eleanor tay's blog for the blogger version.
Pin ItTuesday, 30 September 2008
Last days together
Monday, 22 September 2008
Here's probably the last card I would be able to make before my A level kicks in. A happy 19th birthday card to shan hong.
So Its study study study now....but its getting so bored of it. Pin It
Saturday, 13 September 2008
248 pictures to 28 seconds.
I had some fun trying out my camera by making it work for 6 hours while it connects to the computer automatically an take shots at interval. The result? it makes a really cool 28 seconds video. 6 hours compressed into 28 seconds...really cool. Sigh.. wish i had more time making fun stuffs like this... :( (the one below is of better quality, if you have better internet or flashplayer... you should be able to press the green 'play' button.)
248 pictures to 28 seconds. from terence on Vimeo. Pin It
Saturday, 6 September 2008
Holiday surprise.
More teachers' day cards for other teachers which i could not make it time to give to them. happy teachers' day, teachers. you deserve this day.
Saturday, 30 August 2008
What was happening...
blood donation
The college had another one of its blood donation, but sadly, this time had very very few people as we J2s are having prelims soon. But i'm gald that i went college to study and donated blood too! Oh yes, thanks hannah for being there too!
National DAY BBQ
This phenomenon occured on the beach near our family BBQ pit, it came out as a waterspout which is featured in many local articles about it. The newspapers say that it occur once a while near the singapore shores and is of no threat as it would dissapear when nearing to land. However, this time, it became a realtively weak dustdevil.
And we were shocked that the waterspout change to a"sand storm" instead. Although, it WAS short lived when it reach the shores, but it already travelled about 12 metres from the sea line and look at the amount of damage it has caused. tents were destroyed and people were running away from the danger zone at that time. Stuffs were flying all over. The worst part was that it blew up sand which really hurt and cause sand all over us espeically our hair. Luckily, no one was hurt.
The BBQ resumed again but with more excitement as it was a "chance" of a lifetime to experience a "safe nature disaster" and see how nature fights back sometimes. (a reminder to SAVE OUR EARTH.) When we all started back to our BBQ, the rain came, and we had to stop for a while and quickly put shelter over the pit and protect our food. (my dad is really cool at setting up such stuffs.) When the rain stopped, he came back with a blow torch. And wow, the BBQ was started up really quickly! COOL!
loads to see, the helicopters pass the beach too.
Then, in the evening, there was a raindow caused by the rain in the afternoon and also the setting sun. It was beautiful.
Teachers' Day
I spent like 5-6 hours making teachers' day cards. And I as say, its hard to get back on track when you have lose your handcrafting skill for so many months. But still I managed to get it done!
College celebration was interesting at some particular parts but the sad and irritating part was that there wasn't more of it. And the place wasn't big enough to house all of us.
Sadly, i was disppointed at the general group of people who was laughing at some particular perfomances as some sang off-key (you will miss it if you did not listen attentively) or went a little off-beat.
making more of the cards to pass on to some of my secondary school teachers which i did not manage to finish and they kinda expecting it.
Also, i think i'm buying a DSLR, but i'm still considering... Canon EOS 450-D really appeals to me. Sigh... to buy or not to buy? Pin It
Monday, 25 August 2008
In the middle of diffculty, lies opportunity.
Sigh, back to life: in all ways to resist the urge to scrap and blog and study, its so focus and enjoy in these tiring times. Finally, stupid prelims its over and its time to focus on the real WAR. Meanwhile, I am gaining so much weight.
Friday, 1 August 2008
This is kinda the most touching part, where i was "tricked" into reading a scrapbook journal and unknowingly, the cake came.... wow....! I didn't want them to say any weird cheers or anything but it was too late. Well, at least i didn't have to stand on the chair or something. The kinda sad part was that there wasn't a live band there, but it was fine without it than i thought it would be.
I was quite hyped i guess....kept talking about the cake, cause its really really good. (its tiramisu btw, real good) Everyone finished the cake! It was so sooo good that I eat it whole!! Okay, enough about it.
What more, i received totally amazing presents that was soooo not on my birthday list. Every single present was so thoughtful that i could not get enough of it. One of it was the scrapbook page. Now, who would make me a scrapbook layout when most of the time, I am doing it for other people? wow... they did it. Another I so have to mention is the Royce chocolates which was brought all the way from suntec! I still left 12 pieces of it, out of 20. Too good to eat!
I would like to thank the people who attended my birthday dinner.... in no particular order or what so ever, they are Sinne, Sharmaine, Gershwin, Raphael, Dean, Alvin, Sopheary, Lynn, Amelene and Angeline!
Monday, 7 July 2008
a few more days to 18.
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