Well, not my trip anyway... I went there once with my family and cousins a few years back. But i just found some really beautiful photos of their trip when they wanted me to burn a CD to keep these precious photos.
I am surprise how some of the photos look so pretty with great lighting and and perfect photo composure... they're using the same brand and model of camera as me!!!
Just little tip from creating keepsakes magazine from my research: A CD-rom is generally assumed for a life span of 10 years. 61% owners who owns a digital camera said they've lost digital photos. I won't eleborate on how the risk is in not keep your photos and safeguard against losing them. I am very worried of my own condition, i guess i would have to backup or burn a CD. Another great solution is to upload all ur photos in the internet gallery... just like what i am doing now... JUST IN CASE.